Is the UK about to lose its Security Council seat?

In 1991 the Soviet Union dissolved. The Russian Federation immediately took over the Soviet seat in the Security Council. This transfer was neither automatic nor should people presume that the rump-UK would continue to hold the current UK seat should Scotland cause the dissolution of the British Union. The Soviet dissolution is the only historical …

Emotion will beat logic if Britain leaves Europe

  An edited version of this was published on June 13, 2016 in The New Daily, here. Former UK Prime Minister ‘Gentleman John’ Major nearly broke his controlled exterior this weekend, apparently seething at the falsehoods of some in the EU debate. Much has been said and written about the upcoming referendum here in the UK, yet …

EU in or out, a Commonwealth perspective.

Originally published in The Independent here on June 3 2013 The EU referendum is of huge importance for the Commonwealth, and Commonwealth citizens resident in the UK can vote, even if they are not UK nationals. Have the two sides targeted these voters? I am an Australian born UK citizen who has lived and worked in …