If Harvey Weinstein was an Aid Worker he would have gotten away with it.

The “Me Too” movement rejoiced this week at the conviction of Harvey Weinstein. While this is a good start the women who accused Weinstein, courageous as they are, are far from the most vulnerable victims of predacious men. The 2017 ‘Oxfam Scandal’ shocked public attention with an issue many inside the Aid Industry have known …

Saudi Arabia is changing – economics says it must.

This week I walked into a free open-air concert in the seaside city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. ‘Uptown Funk’ was being blasted over the speakers. I had visions of Michelle Obama dancing to the same tune on US late night TV. The people funking along here in Jeddah were not American expats. Those enjoying the …

George Pell appeals, the church gets tax breaks – while victims serve life

Victims of sexual abuse can never appeal their sentence. They have to live with the results of abuse for the rest of their lives. Meanwhile the Catholic Church, with tens of billions of dollars in Australian assets, and tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars in annual Australian tax breaks, still has not fairly …